Professional 30cm 12 Metric Triangular Aluminum Metal Scale

 Professional 30cm 12 Metric Triangular Aluminum Metal Scale Ruler 110 120 125 130 140 150 / 1100 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 in a Case
Professional 30cm 12 Metric Triangular Aluminum Metal Scale Ruler 110 120 125 130 140 150 / 1100 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 in a Case

Regardless, if you’re using the English standard or a metric scale ruler to measure, it is important to understand that each given length of measurement is divided into smaller units of measurements that ultimately divide that larger measurement. On the American standard a foot is divided into 12 inches, and each individual inch is further divided into halves, quarters, eighths, all the way down to sixteenths. Dependent upon how precise you need a measurement to be will determine how you should measure. On some occasions, your measurement may fall directly onto the inch marker, while other m

Metric rulers are probably the easiest to read. One metric ruler will have about fourteen centimeters included in the entire length of the ruler. To be able to tell the difference of centimeters from the remaining shorter valued increments, you will find that centimeters will be marked by longer, bold lines. Along with these lines will be numerical values relating to which centimeter they are, up to fourteen on a standard metric ruler. Between each centimeter value are a bunch of smaller lines called millimeters. Each centimeter is divided into ten millimeters. So one millimeter would be 1/

Learning the proper way to read a ruler is a practical skill that you will likely use many times in your life. From a simple task such as drawing a straight line, to complicated measurements, a ruler comes handy in all of these situations. Learning how to measure is very important in a modern world that relies on accurate and exact measurements.

Now make a line and mark the number on the point where your line ends. The line may end exactly on one of the big numbers or somewhere in between two big numbers. If it ends between two of the big numbers, note down the smaller one.